The most fundamental lesson about God is that He is for you. God loves the world. He loves every person in the world with a fierce and stunning depth. He loves you. He loves you even when you loathe yourself, and through grace wants to change you into the person He created you to be. You cannot work yourself into a peaceful and abundant life, but God can “grace” you into it.
The Bible is the written record of God’s love, and God’s grace is love in action. Think of all the memorable illustrations of God’s grace. A faultless prophet marries a faithless prostitute. The first are last and the last are first. A father welcomes home a prodigal as the son he always was. The last hired workers receive the same wage as the first. One man owes a small amount, another a huge amount, but both are forgiven completely (and both were equally incapable of paying the debt). The Son of God, who was god Himself, died on a cross for our forgiveness. The Bible itself is the story of the God who is grace.