“God of the second chance.” I have used the phrase myself over the years, but only recently realized how untrue it is.
I don’t have a God of the second chance. Not even close. I blew through my second chance so many years ago I can’t recall the details.
I need more than a second chance. I need a God who forgives me far more that 70×7 times. Every time I “come to myself,” like the prodigal son, I can trudge back home to find a loving Father. Every day.
Grace means God doesn’t count chances.
One of my favorite poems:
He came to my desk with a quivering lip, the lesson was done.
“Have you a new sheet for me dear teacher? I’ve spoiled this one.”
I took his sheet all soiled and blotted and gave him a new one all unspotted.
And into his tired heart I cried, “do better now my child.”
I went to the throne with a trembling heart, the day was done.
Have you a new day for me dear Master. I’ve spoiled this one.”
He took my day all soiled and blotted and gave me a new one all unspotted.
And into my tired heart he cried, “do better now my child.”
(author unknown)
Dr. Terry Ellis
December 2, 2015